Last August, CARC released our new on-premises cloud computing platform, Artemis. Since this is still a relatively new service, we want to make sure everyone gets the chance to learn how to utilize it.
This Thursday, we invite you to join us for an on-campus event to introduce Artemis to you all! The event will include a general introduction to CARC, an overview of Artemis, and time for open Q&A. This is a great opportunity to meet the CARC team, ask your burning questions, and mingle with other students and researchers. We will be providing pizza and beverages for all who attend. Please see the flyer below for more information!
The presentation schedule is as follows:
1:15 PM – Intro to CARC
1:30 PM – Intro to Artemis
1:50 PM – Q&A
2:25 PM – Intro to CARC
2:40 PM – Intro to Artemis
3:00 PM – Q&A
Both versions of the presentations are the same to give interested students the chance to attend as their schedules allow.
We look forward to seeing you there!