`noderes` Command is Not Working Again

noderes -f -g -p gpu command gives the results that a lot of nodes are under planned status. But in sinfo -o "%.10P %.5a %.10l %.10s %.4r %.8h %.10g %.6D %.11T %.5c %.20G %.20b %N" command, there are not that many nodes in planned status. Also a lot of nodes are under mixed status, but noderes command does not show any of the gpus are available.

I cannot appreciate it more if you could solve my problem. Thanks.

noderes command is working right now.

But I am wondering whether there is a column of constraint? For example, there are two types of A100, 40GB and 80GB. I can specify --constraint=a100-80gb in sbatch command, but how can I see this information in noderes command?
