Upcoming CARC Workshops: October 27, 2023

There are only four more workshops left for the 2023 Fall Semester. Catch two of them this Friday, October 27th. The courses this week cover advanced topics that you won’t want to miss!

9:00 – 11:00 AM PST: MPI Programming with Python
This workshop will cover basic message passing interface (MPI) concepts and some MPI4py commands. We will go over some coding examples for the hands-on portion.

1:00 – 3:00 PM PST: Introduction to Code Performance Profiling
Learn how to use application performance measurement tools to optimize code and improve application performance on HPC systems. We will use the Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit to diagnose memory, CPU usage, and other application-level issues. This workshop will use a hands-on approach to analyze application performance issues. We will use a sample hybrid MPI+OpenMP code using MPI Performance Snapshot, Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector, and Intel VTune Profiler.

Links to register can be found on our Workshops page. We look forward to seeing you there!