Updates to Project File System Storage Allocations

With our new project file system comes a change to our storage allocation quota and policy.

Storage allocations are measured using disk space in terabytes (equivalent to 1,000 gigabytes).

All active projects automatically receive a storage allocation on the CARC project file system. The default minimum allocation size is 5 TB per project, and each PI receives a maximum allocation of 10 TB for their project(s) at no cost. All users for a project will have access to that project’s allocation.

If more than 10 TB is needed, a PI can request additional storage space through the Research Computing User Portal. The additional storage space in excess of the first 10 TB is a paid service. Additional storage space can be added in increments of 5 TB, and the current price is $200/5 TB/year. For example, when a PI requires 20 TB total of space, the annual cost for the data storage space will be:

20 TB per year = 10 TB free + (2 x $200/5 TB/year) = $400 annual cost

For more information on allocations, see our Accounts and Allocations page.

This new file system is not currently in service. CARC plans to bring it online by the middle of September.