Possible to use Quarto?

Hi! I’m enjoying using Quarto (elsewhere) as a modest improvement on R Markdown documents. One of the upsides of Quarto is that it is not R-dependent. The downside is that it is not an R package. Is it available in a module… somewhere?


Well, Quarto is totally available in an interactive session for me today! I don’t know how I missed it a couple of days ago.

What do I need to do to render a .qmd file via sbatch? I have module load pandoc for rendering rmds, but I’m not sure about qmds. I tried module load quarto but apparently that was wishful thinking, since I got:
Error in find_quarto() : Unable to find quarto command line tools.

Thank you!

Quarto is bundled with the RStudio Server app.

I added a quarto module:

module load quarto/1.3.433

For R code, you would also need an R module loaded and the rmarkdown package installed.

In batch mode you would render with a command like the following:

quarto render file.qmd --to html